Triumph in Italy
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Articles | Technical and tuning
Instruments and instruments: magnetic
I have to confess that I have dismounted many of them and that, at the beginning, some piece was always left after reassembling. In this article, I will tell you how they works, and how it is possible to repair them.
Articles | History and culture
Kas Kastner's TR 250K
A real masterpiece, born from the intelligence of two persons that loved and still love cars. From the first draft to the build of this "special" that marked an era. Technical Virtuosity?
Articles | History and culture
Crayford Engineering TR7 Tracer: the sporting Triumph that failed to make the grade
Crayford Engineering sought to produce an interesting variation on the TR7 theme, and ended up hatching out this little beauty. Now restored and owned by Chris Turner, the Chairman of the TR Drivers Club, it made its show debut at the Practical Classics Restoration Show.
Books | History
Vignale con Michelotti Designer
The collaboration between Alfredo Vignale and Giovanni Michelotti was one of the most productive of the Italian car history both in quantity and quality. This book summarizes their story and work.
Models | Roadster
Roadster TR5
Sulla base della TR4 venne installato il motore 6 cilindri da 2,5 litri che sarebbe diventato poi il motore base della TR6. Costruita in pochi esemplari, poteva contare anche a lievi modifiche della carrozzeria e degli interni. La TR5 fu la prima Triumph di serie ad essere equipaggiata con l'alimentazione a iniezione meccanica. Fu costruita anche per il mercato americano ma a causa delle stringenti normative anti inquinamento. Il modello "USA" fu dotato di due carburatori Zenith Stromberg che g...
Documents | Press
Accordo Triumph-Ducati per la vendita di automobili (1962)
Articoletto uscito su La Stampa venerdì 2 Novembre 1962.